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Plano Koalas (S A)
Player Potential Ratings Report - Scouted by: OSA
Potential Batting Ratings
NameAgePosContactGapPowerEyeAvoid K's
Ánibal Alcalde23SS44144
Marcos Arredondo232B66244
Dan Bowman24P43223
Denny Clements25P45125
Ignacio Colón23CF45135
Ismael Colón23C33124
Ken Devlin20P13113
Joe Ewing23P54125
Jorge Fernández22P34134
David Fisher27P35144
Bobby French23P43124
Travis Gill251B42333
Marc Graves23LF44246
Porter Harris27P33123
Brad Hatch21RF35123
Kenny Holman25P43114
Masaaki Hoshino23SS57654
Bruno Hutchinson23C44233
Daniel López27P13112
Adam Mossop263B45143
Rob Robinson233B44124
Alfred Robison25P43225
Doug Sullivan24SS58144
Alejandro Toro232B54134
Arjen Wiegel28P44135
Potential Pitching Ratings
Dan Bowman24SP44387-89 Mph8
Denny Clements25MR54385-87 Mph7
Ken Devlin20CL44491-93 Mph5
Joe Ewing23SP45487-89 Mph6
Jorge Fernández22SP36385-87 Mph7
David Fisher27MR53389-90 Mph4
Bobby French23SP35691-93 Mph6
Porter Harris27MR44389-90 Mph2
Kenny Holman25MR53294-96 Mph9
Daniel López27MR33485-87 Mph6
Alfred Robison25SP44490-92 Mph8
Arjen Wiegel28MR46184-86 Mph7

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