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Bolton Sting Rays (S A)
Player Potential Ratings Report - Scouted by: OSA
Potential Batting Ratings
NameAgePosContactGapPowerEyeAvoid K's
Frederico Bastos24P23123
Andy Bingman23P24125
Elijah Buckby24P44114
Eric Burns24P35126
David Chambers23CF44423
Ángel Cruz23P15225
Cremente Gonalo24LF35233
Robinson González241B45344
Juan Gutiérrez241B45334
Juan Hernández22P35124
Dave Hill24LF45333
Severiano Juzarte24P33123
Jyrki Lahti25CF45343
Pedro León241B67455
Carlos Martínez25C35223
José Antonio Ortíz24P43114
Tony Ramírez25C56344
Luis Rodríguez27C56345
Jaime Sánchez23P35126
Mark Smith22P34123
Tetsu Umaba23P33125
John Vance24P34124
Ron West25C34232
Curt Wilson25C57554
Potential Pitching Ratings
Frederico Bastos24MR35493-95 Mph3
Andy Bingman23MR34387-89 Mph5
Elijah Buckby24MR44489-90 Mph6
Eric Burns24SP44490-92 Mph7
Ángel Cruz23MR53390-92 Mph2
Juan Hernández22MR54493-95 Mph5
Severiano Juzarte24MR34289-90 Mph5
José Antonio Ortíz24SP44387-89 Mph6
Jaime Sánchez23SP44389-90 Mph5
Mark Smith22MR54390-92 Mph5
Tetsu Umaba23CL64592-94 Mph3
John Vance24MR55391-93 Mph4

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