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Santa Ana Goths (S A)
Player Potential Ratings Report - Scouted by: OSA
Potential Batting Ratings
NameAgePosContactGapPowerEyeAvoid K's
Gus Adams20C45233
Clyde Anderson21P33124
Truman Banks21C66158
Bob Browning20P24124
Dave Bush20P24114
Milton Chappell20C44244
Steve Cobb21P54325
Eric Cooper22P35125
Arturo Cruz21C46244
António Germán21C45234
Jeff Horn21C57334
Joaquín Mahoney20C33333
Ramón Márquez23C64455
Jerry Miller22P34125
William Myers19P33123
Jorge Nartatez22C36233
John Perry242B45643
Alonso Quintanilla203B45233
Hiroyasu Sugahara211B55544
Kenny Verheijen19P33114
Ángel Villalobos201B45233
Jon Walters20C34243
Andy Whiskin20C45334
Ben White22C44354
Jonathan Wiggins211B34533
Potential Pitching Ratings
Clyde Anderson21SP36486-88 Mph3
Bob Browning20SP55493-95 Mph10
Dave Bush20CL54387-89 Mph5
Steve Cobb21MR54389-90 Mph6
Eric Cooper22SP54590-92 Mph7
Jerry Miller22SP45387-89 Mph8
William Myers19MR43387-89 Mph8
Kenny Verheijen19SP36486-88 Mph9

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