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Orlando Whirlwinds (S A)
Player Potential Ratings Report - Scouted by: OSA
Potential Batting Ratings
NameAgePosContactGapPowerEyeAvoid K's
Francisco Alemán20P23144
Rusty Andersen20P44135
Thomas Byrne24P34114
Barry Cook23P44114
Greg Cooper21P43125
Orlando Fierro20P14114
Cecil Fisher233B33123
Woody Garrison23C45343
Seon-jong Han24C45345
Josh Kelly21P44124
Chester Lee22C44233
Scott Lee20P54125
Perry Lewis222B42243
Ron McEntee203B33353
Nathan McQueen22C45334
Jimmy Morrow24P12111
Jorge Oporta213B45134
Felipe Pérez22SS56245
Dave Peterson22C54253
Tom Seaman22C44343
Michael Sheehan241B38146
Tom Sinclair223B45344
Bobby Ward23C36224
Alvin Whitaker20P13144
Greg Wilhelm21P12111
Potential Pitching Ratings
Francisco Alemán20MR34392-94 Mph1
Rusty Andersen20MR64490-92 Mph7
Thomas Byrne24MR55389-90 Mph4
Barry Cook23MR53390-92 Mph1
Greg Cooper21SP45493-95 Mph6
Orlando Fierro20SP46385-87 Mph8
Josh Kelly21SP46687-89 Mph11
Scott Lee20SP45490-92 Mph5
Jimmy Morrow24MR33387-89 Mph6
Alvin Whitaker20CL43591-93 Mph4
Greg Wilhelm21SP54586-88 Mph7

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