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New City Baseball League
Players List, Letter 'V'
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Vallés, JuanSPBurlington Socialists2310/07/1992Santo DomingoDOMRightRight6' 4"220 lbs$5,473,000
van Burgersdijk, RudyCNoblesville Knights2712/21/1988WinterswijkNEDLeftRight6' 0"201 lbs$985,000
van den Berg, KarolMRProvidence Steamrollers3206/21/1983NunspeetNEDLeftRight6' 3"205 lbs$400,000
Vannquez, AugustoMRCollege Park Riots2505/17/1990CliftonUSASwitchRight6' 7"205 lbs$400,000
Vargo, JorgeCFEl Paso Dragons2810/24/1987PlymouthUSARightRight6' 1"222 lbs$400,000
Vaughan, MichaelMRMobile Wasps2804/16/1988Road TownVGBLeftLeft5' 11"220 lbs$600,000
Vázquez, CiprianoCLCharleston Cicadas2911/16/1986San Pedro de la PazCHILeftLeft6' 3"200 lbs$4,500,000
Vázquez, LuisMRChula Vista Herders2503/08/1991YonkersUSARightRight6' 2"230 lbs$600,000
Vázquez, MiguelMRBannockburn Bobarians3603/16/1980New YorkUSARightRight6' 0"177 lbs$7,000,000
Vega, JavierCFVancouver Mounties2311/07/1992Buenos AiresARGLeftLeft5' 8"175 lbs$400,000
Velásquez, XavierCFYoungstown Steelheads2505/16/1990ChetumalMEXRightRight5' 7"165 lbs$5,000,000
Vélez, Jesús1BLancaster Leftys2409/07/1991BarcelonaVENRightRight6' 0"205 lbs$400,000
Vélez, Ken2BEl Paso Dragons2811/09/1987ElfersUSARightRight5' 11"208 lbs$2,520,000
Venet, Eduardo1BJefferson City Ragtime Nine2903/30/1987PoncePURSwitchRight6' 3"193 lbs$5,005,000
Viamonte, GuilhermeSPVancouver Mounties2410/04/1991BarcelonaVENRightRight5' 9"190 lbs$400,000
Vickers, Willie3BFree Agent3108/13/1984West UnityUSARightRight6' 1"183 lbs-

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