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NCBL College
Players List, Letter 'K'
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Kato, MasayoshiSPFree Agent2206/22/1993TamamuraJPNRightRight6' 5"205 lbs-
Keller, PaulMRColorado Springs College Windjammers2006/29/1995HendersonUSALeftLeft6' 1"225 lbs-
Kelley, JohnCLToledo College Thunderstorm2009/28/1995Glen AllenUSALeftRight5' 11"200 lbs-
Kempink, KellyLFLaredo College Rippers1906/10/1996OranjestadARULeftLeft6' 2"225 lbs-
Kendall, JeffMRThorndale College Quicksilvers2106/06/1994SchaumburgUSALeftRight5' 10"205 lbs-
Key, JeremiahMRBull Run College Heat2201/26/1994RiverdaleUSALeftLeft6' 1"270 lbs-
Kichida, MasahiroSSMadison College Bluffers2101/29/1995TakamatsuJPNRightRight6' 2"205 lbs-
Kidd, Matt3BThorndale College Quicksilvers2111/30/1994BranfordUSARightRight6' 0"195 lbs-
Kim, Chun-yeongSSWelcome College Egrets1911/10/1996KochangKORRightRight6' 2"195 lbs-
King, LouisMRModesto College Sawfish2110/17/1994MadisonUSARightRight6' 8"225 lbs-
King, RobertMRSanta Ana College Mud Sharks1912/24/1996Fort SalongaUSARightRight5' 10"210 lbs-
King, RoyMRBaton Rouge College Hailstorm1912/18/1996ChambersburgUSASwitchRight6' 0"200 lbs-
Kirkland, JackLFMadison College Bluffers2201/12/1994DenverUSARightLeft5' 11"180 lbs-
Kirui, AsaruSPDermott College Spearfish2011/17/1995BritsRSARightRight6' 1"220 lbs-
Knapp, DanMRColorado Springs College Windjammers1806/20/1997KearneyUSARightRight6' 4"210 lbs-
Knight, BradMRBull Run College Heat2108/22/1994MiamiUSALeftLeft6' 4"250 lbs-
Ko, Sung-moonCBull Run College Heat2211/11/1993SeoulKORRightRight6' 1"185 lbs-
Kobayashi, MichihiroSPHopkinton College Curveballs2101/02/1995NamiokaJPNLeftLeft6' 1"225 lbs-
Kondo, Atissi1BWelcome College Egrets2208/12/1993TororoUGARightRight6' 1"208 lbs-
Kowalski, SamSPLexington College Old Timers2012/21/1995Maple CreekCANSwitchLeft6' 2"200 lbs-
Koyama, HarukiSPThorndale College Quicksilvers2001/09/1996KawasakiJPNRightRight6' 4"230 lbs-
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

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